Your Canine Life Coach

Force-Free Training

“The relationship you have with your dog should be based on respect and love: not fear, pain, or intimidation.’’

— Robin Sockness, Professional Dog Trainer


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Coaching You and Your Dog is a Process.

What makes each of our life relationships so special? I believe it is the unique bond or that feeling we label as LOVE.  Communication is the foundation.
Now consider that your partner speaks a totally different language, and has totally different instincts than you.  Now bond forming becomes even more difficult…
And here in lays the basis of force free training and my goal in being YOUR canine life coach.

Force-Free Training Myth:

Dogs trained with Force-free methods have no discipline or structure.


• Force-free training actually encourages pet parents to provide consistent rules and structure to help their dogs know what is expected of them.

• Force-free  trainers instruct pet parents to set their dogs up for success by managing the environment, interrupting, redirection and when appropriate, ignoring unwanted behavior. Consequences are always kind.

• Science based training imposes strict criteria for what behaviors get reinforced.

Force-Free Training

Force Free, positive reinforcement dog training works by using praise and positive actions or rewards instead of punishment to teach a dog right from wrong. The key with this type of training is to determine what motivates your dog and use that motivator as a reward upon correct performance.

In positive reinforcement dog training, you can use treats, toys, physical affection, verbal praise or a combination of any of those, to reward your dog for correct behavior, and to build the bond we seek with our dogs.

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